Middlesboro girls, Knox boys win district soccer titles

Chris Jones

Harlan County’s Cayden Shanks is pictured in action last season. Shanks had a goal Tuesday as the Bears advanced to the 50th District finals with a 4-1 win over Middlesboro.

The Middlesboro girls and Knox Central boys claimed 50th District Tournament titles on Thursday in soccer action at the James A. Cawood Elementary School field.
The Lady Jackets won on penalty kicks for the second straight match, following up a 1-0 win Tuesday over Harlan County with a 3-2 win Thursday against Knox Central.
Haley Moyers, Madison Irvin and Jordyn Ferguson each had goals for the 6-6 Lady Jackets. Ferguson recorded nine goal keeper saves while giving up two goals.
Irvin had the only goal in the win over Harlan County.
Tim Jones and Steven Reed each had goals as Knox Central won 2-0 over Harlan County in the boys finals. Hunter Campbell and Jason Payne recorded assists. Jacob Merida recorded the shutout with three goal keeper saves.